Tag Archives: art

CFP: Detritos 05 – HOT AND COOL

From http://www.revistadetritos.com/


HOT and COOL are the free and revolutionary qualities of art. Deleuze stated that what matters is the perpetual reversal, becoming, molecularisation and variation of hot and cool, with the latter warming the hot and the hot cooling the cool. The wild empiricism of affective language, drawn from a constellation of forces as Joseph Beuys used to say, is capable of establishing a new and joyful relationship with the cosmos. The double articulation of hot and cool, drawn from Deleuzian analysis of the work of Fromanger, has a clear heuristic value, applicable in many different contexts.

The intra-expressive resonance of opposites (the disjunctive synthesis) can be applied to all forms of art (in music, for example, the differential relation “sound-silence”) but also in Schizoanalysis, Micropolitics, Metaphysics (cold and cruel, desire and production, coding and over-coding, psychic and collective individuation, the order of the words and the order of things, surface and depths, chaos and cosmos inner and outer surface of an unique being).

The volume will be structured in four interconnected areas: Art, Micropolitics, Schizoanalysis, Metaphysics.

Guest Editors – Marcello Maggi, Catarina Pombo Nabais

image: Ana Mandillo, JOY.

Contributors: please email articles of up to 3,000 words to: maggimarcello@yahoo.com and ccnabais@fc.ul.pt

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