Category Archives: CFP

(((Trans- & Trance)))

17th Annual Graduate Student Conference | Western University, Canada

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures | Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism

Keynotes by Dr. David S. Ferris (University of Colorado at Boulder) and Dr. Joel Faflak (Western University)

Trans- and trance are ways of life: from transcendentalist impulses in the Epic of Gilgamesh, to Freud’s discussion of the phenomenon of transference, to the rise of transnationalism in modern times, the conceptual import of “trans-“ has always lied in its ability to denote mobility against and across frontiers, positionality along multiple axes, and shifting modes of territoriality within agonistic horizons. Trance almost always followed.

“Trans-” as a concept has steadily grown in importance as a way to inform critical thought and study in many intellectual fields and disciplines.In her 2014 report on “trans-” as one of the American Comparative Literature Association’s “ideasof the decade,” Jessica Berman notes how “‘trans-’ is not a substantive but rather an ‘orientation’ of critical approaches, attitudes, and habits of reading or experiencing”.

The Comparative Literature, Hispanic Studies, and Theory and Criticism programs at Western University invite you to problematize the concepts of “trans-“ and trance at the 17th Annual Graduate Student Conference to be held from March 5-7, 2015 in London, Ontario, Canada. The conference invites papers that engage critical notions of transit, change, and tumult in multidisciplinary contexts, especially those that highlight “trans-“ as a paradigm of dynamic subjectivity negotiating potentially violent domains. As trance culture seeks to reach the elusive state that lies Beyond, so too do the organizers hope that the conference will provide insight into possible conciliatory modes to the disruptions that the “trans-” phenomenon precipitates.

We encourage interdisciplinary submissions, including but not limited to literature, critical theory, cultural studies, digital humanities, linguistics, film studies, visual arts, music, popular culture, architecture, history, and philosophy. Suggested areas of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Transformation:metamorphosis, posthumanism, science fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction, rhetoric, semiotics of architecture, performativity
  2. Trance and the Transcendent:the sublime, the oneiric, the orphic, aesthetics of trance, “the music of the Spheres”, euphoria, consciousness studies, hypnotext and literary mesmerism
  3. Transgression in its various formsproletarian literature, resistance and subversion literature, agitprop, the artist as Revolutionary, experimental literature, the Avant-Garde, the Gothic, queer theory
  4. Transit and Transitions:immigrant literature, displacement, exile, postcolonialism, cosmopolitanism, urban culture, travel literature, border poetics, intersectionality, fluidity
  5. Transsectional figuresthe diasporic writer, the queer, the new feminist, the post- and transhuman, the academic as public intellectual, the digital humanist
  6. Transference:creativity and trauma, psychoanalysis, ecocriticism, literature and epistemology, catharsis
  7. Transfusionlanguage acquisition and development, digital humanities, normcore culture, cultural transmission, medical humanities, new media, pop culture Transtemporal:post-war, post 9/11, literature in an age of terrorism, nostalgia, memory, ephemerality, interruptions, trends, waves, pop-ups
  8. Transculturalism and Transnationalism:hybridity, identity, appropriation, selfhood, folk culture, memes
  9. Transactions:economies of exchange, reader response theory, reception theory, encounters with the Other, linguistic exchange
  10. Translating the trance of the original: translation, transmedial art, photography, Benjamin, Barthes

We are asking those interested in delivering 15 to 20-minute presentations to submit abstracts of no more than 300 words to by 10 December 2014. You can also email your abstract, name, paper keywords, institutional affiliation, technical requirements, and a 50-word biography to transtrance17 [at] gmail [dot] com. Abstracts and presentations in both English and Spanish are welcome, and selected papers will be published in an online academic archive post-conference. For more information, please check our Facebook page at Transtrance Seventeenth.

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Conference Proceedings, 2013 (and publishing opportunities)

Conference proceedings from the Laugh Conference (2013) and reminder for the upcoming Brevity (2014) conference…



We are proud to announce the first conference proceedings from the 15th Annual MLL Graduate Conference, “Good Laugh, Bad Laugh, Ugly Laugh, My Laugh”. The proceedings are housed at scholarship@Western, an online academic repository supported by the Western University library system, and are searchable through Google Scholar. They can be found at:

The proceedings have been considered as pre-publications, meaning that the authors keep the authorship rights and are free to submit versions of their own work to journals, or to post in blogs.

In addition, we will be looking for papers to publish in the conference proceedings for the 16th Annual MLL Conference on Brevity, which will take place on March 6-8, 2014. Those who are interested in presenting a paper and, eventually, be published can submit an abstract at by January 1st, 2014.

Finally, we would like to thank Jaime Brenes Reyes…

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Call for Papers

The students of York University’s Graduate Program in Critical Disability Studies (more information about the program is available at launched an academic journal in November 2009. Critical Disability Discourse is a bilingual, interdisciplinary journal, publishing articles that focus on experiences of disability from a critical perspective. The journal considers articles from graduate scholars in a variety of academic fields, but undergraduate students, activists, and community members/organizers are also invited to contribute. Critical Disability Discourse’s goals are to provide emerging scholars an opportunity to contribute to the expanding field of critical disability studies and to gain exposure for their work in the public sphere.

Submission deadline is March 1, 2014.

Possible topics can include but are not limited to the following:

• Critical theory and disability: feminism, post-modernism, postcolonial theory, transnational analysis, Marxism, etc.

• History of disability: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Victorian Age, Industrial Age, etc.

• Law and public policy, and disability

• Qualitative and quantitative research pertaining to disability

• Education and disability

• Culture: disability-related popular culture, television, videos, blogs, arts, literature and film analysis

• Employment, market, workforce, and income security in relation to disability

• Disability-related topics in social sciences: psychology, sociology, geography, political science

• Assessment of accessibility accommodations

• Technology and disability

Submission guidelines are as follows:

1. Articles must critically address a question about an aspect of disability and offer a new angle of thought and insight; they should contribute to scholarship in the field of Critical Disability Studies. Articles must involve a critical argument, rather than be only descriptive.

2. Articles must be submitted in either English or French. Authors must consent to the translation of their articles for publication.

3. In submitting a manuscript, authors affirm that the research is original and unpublished, is not in press or under consideration elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration by the journal.

4. Articles must be 3,000-7,000 words (including quotations, references, footnotes, tables, figures, diagrams, and illustrations).

5. In promoting inclusion and accessibility, the journal accepts and encourages tables, figures, diagrams, and illustrations within the article. However, all tables, figures, diagrams, and illustrations must include detailed written descriptions.

6. An abstract of 100-150 words should summarize the main arguments and themes of the article, the methods and results obtained, if the author’s own research was conducted, and the conclusions reached. A list of 5-7 keywords should also be included after the abstract.

7. We ask that authors are mindful of their language choices pertaining to disability and that they justify the use of
controversial words.

8. Articles are peer-reviewed. Authors’ names and other identifying information must be removed in order to be sent to reviewers.

9. Authors are responsible for ethics approval for manuscripts by receiving approval from their own institutions. Proof of ethics approval (if applicable) should be provided to the journal.

10. The journal’s style generally follows the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association; English spelling follows the most recent edition of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary.

11. Manuscripts must be entirely double-spaced (including quotations, notes, references) in 12-point Times New Roman font.

12. The journal accepts footnotes, but only sparingly.

To submit, register as an author on our website and undergo the submission process:

If you have any questions, contact CDD Managerial Editor, Elisabeth Harrison, at

For more information and updates, please visit

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Call for Papers / Convocatoria

MLL Grad Conference 2014.



16th Annual Graduate Student Conference
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Western University, Canada

Keynote speakers: Luca Somigli (University of Toronto); Mark McDayter (Western University).

“Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí” [When (s)he woke up, the dinosaur was still there]. This is the entirety of a 1959 short story by Augusto Monterroso. It could easily fit in a Twitter status update almost three times over.

Brevity can be interpreted in many different ways – from a sense of briefness and urgency to an economization of words. At times, brevity may be perceived as superficial or frivolous, except to those of Spartan sensibilities. To others, such as Polonius, “brevity is the soul of wit [/ And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, / I will be brief: your noble son is mad]” (II, ii).

Brevity can also allow us to linger on thought. In his memo on quickness, Italo…

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CFP: ‘Borders without Boundaries’ Canadian Disability Studies 2014 Annual Conference (May 2014, Canada)

CFP from the Canadian Disability Studies Association.

Disability Research Forum

Event: Borders without Boundaries: Canadian Disability Studies 2014 Annual Conference 

Date: Wednesday May 28- Friday May 30, 2014

Place: Brock University, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada

Deadline For Abstract Submissions: 1 November 2013

The Canadian Disability Studies Association invites abstract submissions for papers to be presented at the 11th annual conference to be held at Brock University. Our CDSA meeting is part of the larger Congress 2014 of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

CDSA’s 2014 theme “Borders without Boundaries” reflects the overall Congress theme. We are seeking contributions that demonstrate the ways in which disability challenges, disturbs or blurs the borders of taken for granted or privileged practices in the global north and south. Should your critical work exist beyond or outside of these margins, we still welcome your response to the call.

More information can be found at:

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CFP: Capitalism in the Classroom: Neoliberalism, Education and Progressive Alternatives

Conference & Special Issue Call For Papers

Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research

Edited by Carlo Fanelli (Ryerson University) and Bryan Evans (Ryerson University)

Capitalism in the Classroom: Neoliberalism, Education and Progressive Alternatives

As the austerity agenda intensifies, this special issue of Alternate Routes is seeking papers that explore how education is being restructured in light of market pressures to commodify and marketize learning and teaching from pre-school to post-secondary education and beyond. The conference will be held on Friday April 4, 2014 at Ryerson University. Paper proposals may include but are not limited to: How have state policies increased pressures to corporatize and privatize public education? How have children and youth programs been affected? How has the quality of work and labour been impacted? How have intersecting axes of oppression related to class, race, ethnicity, gender and so forth been reinforced or contested in the classroom? In what ways have student curriculums and teachers’ academic freedoms been affected? Have educators and employees challenged such pressures? What role have trade union and community activists played in challenging the prerogatives of capitalism in the classroom? Are there progressive educational alternatives to neoliberalism?

Additional topics may include: ongoing theoretical debates; community outreach and education campaigns; cross-sectoral and international comparisons; new pedagogical methods and policy proposals for schooling and education; corporate influences on campus and in the classroom; new technologies and online-learning; publishing and dissemination of research; new public management and academic/non-academic labour; and social justice activism.

Conference submissions must be received no later than January 5, 2014. Please include an abstract no longer than 300-words and brief biography. Conference decisions will be made within one week. If you are interested in submitting an article but cannot attend the conference, articles must be submitted by May 15, 2014. New authors are encouraged to visit for author guidelines and additional information. Conference proposals and article submissions must be sent directly to

For all other inquiries, please visit or send an email to

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Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos – Convocatoria 2013 (English CFP below)


Cuarto Número

Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos es una publicación virtual, miscelánea y de acceso abierto editada por los estudiantes del programa de posgrado en Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Western Ontario. La revista publica en línea artículos, entrevistas y reseñas inéditos en las áreas de lingüística y literatura que hayan sido redactados por estudiantes de posgrado (maestría y doctorado). El objetivo de Entrehojas es el de posibilitar la construcción de redes y comunidades de conocimiento generando un espacio académico que fortalezca el diálogo entre estudiantes de posgrado a nivel nacional e internacional. Además de aceptar ensayos que siguen los patrones de la tradición académica, la revista promueve la inclusión de manuscritos que reflejen tendencias innovadoras en el campo de la investigación en ambas áreas.

La fecha de cierre para la recepción de manuscritos para el cuarto número de Entrehojas será el 15 de noviembre de 2013.

Las instrucciones para el envío del material son las siguientes:

1. Artículos.

No deben exceder las 10.000 palabras.

Deben incluir al comienzo un resumen en inglés y español que no exceda las 200 palabras, así como una lista de cinco términos claves.

2. Entrevistas a investigadores, escritores o artistas.
No deben exceder las 10.000 palabras.

La transcripción de la entrevista puede ser comentada.

3. Reseñas de libros de literatura o de investigación.

No deben exceder las 4000 palabras. El libro reseñado debe haber sido publicado en los dos años anteriores al número de la convocatoria.

4. Estudios y proyectos en proceso.

No deben exceder las 5.000 palabras.

Deben incluir al comienzo un resumen en inglés y español que no exceda las 200 palabras, así como una lista de cinco términos claves.

Todos los manuscritos pueden ser enviados en inglés o en español y deben adaptarse a las normas MLA (Literatura) o APA (Lingüística). El autor puede utilizar otro estilo de citación siempre que sea congruente en su uso y si lo considera necesario a los fines de las características particulares de su investigación.

Para mayores detalles acerca de las posibles áreas temáticas a abordar, haga click aquí.


Call for Papers

Fourth Issue

Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos is a virtual, heterogeneous, and open access journal edited by graduate students from the department of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of Western Ontario. The journal is published annually online, and includes previously unpublished articles, interviews and book reviews in the fields of literature and linguistics written by graduate students. Our objective is to facilitate and promote the construction of the academic communities and networks that strengthen the dialog between graduate students on a national and international level. While we welcome submissions that fall within the established academic traditions, Entrehojas encourages the submission of manuscripts that reflect new and innovative approaches to research within the humanities.

The deadline for the submission of manuscripts for Entrehojas volume 4 is November 15th, 2013.

Following are the instructions for the submission of material:

1. Articles:

No longer than 10,000 words.

All articles must include an abstract in both English and Spanish that does not exceed 200 words, along with 5 key words.

2. Academics interviews (researchers, writers, or artists):

No longer than 10,000 words.

May includes authors’ notes/commentaries.

3. Book/Article reviews:

No longer than 4,000 words.

The reviewed text must have been published within the previous two years of the submission date.

4. Proceedings:

No longer than 5.000 words.

All proceedings must include an abstract in both English and Spanish that does not exceed 200 words, along with 5 key words.

Submissions in both Spanish and English will be accepted. All manuscripts must conform to standardized guidelines for formatting, i.e., MLA (literature) and APA (linguistics). The author may use another formatting style provided that it is used consistently and that the author considers it necessary for the particular aims of their investigation.
For further details about possible themes/areas of investigation, click here.

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CFP: International Journal of Research and Method in Education, Special Issue on Inclusive Research

CFP – Understandings and Enactments of Inclusive Research

Disability Research Forum

Call For Papers… 

Journal: International Journal of Research and Method in Education

Special IssueTheme: Understandings and Enactments of Inclusive Research: Progress and sticking points in developing participatory and emancipatory research in the field of education

Guest Editors: Prof. Jane Seale (Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter, UK) and Prof. Melanie Nind and Dr Sarah Parsons (School of Education, University of Southampton, UK)

Description: The International Journal of Research & Method in Education calls for scholarly papers for a special issue focused on inclusive research in education. For our purposes inclusive research is an umbrella term to encompass research which might also be defined as emancipatory, peer-led or user-centred, involving participatory methods or participatory design. It is understood as research that seeks to involve those who tend to be the subjects or objects of research, such as learners, practitioners or parents, as agents in…

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Perífrasis: Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica – Convocatoria VIII

Para aquellos interesados…

La convocatoria para el octavo número de Perífrasis se abre a la comunidad académica el día 22 de abril de 2013 y el cierre de la aceptación de documentos tendrá lugar el día 26 de julio del mismo año. Todos los artículos deben ser enviados al correo

Los resultados de la evaluación de dicha convocatoria se darán a conocer entre el 7 y el 11 de octubre de 2013. Una carta de aceptación, de aceptación con cambios o de rechazo será enviada a los autores a través de un correo electrónico.

Si el artículo es aceptado y se solicitan cambios, los autores tienen un plazo de dos semanas (entre el 14 y el 25 de octubre) para trabajar sobre los mismos. Una vez evaluados los cambios se informará al autor sobre la aprobación final y las fechas de publicación.

Aquí podrá consultar las normas de esta convocatoria.

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CFP: Detritos 05 – HOT AND COOL



HOT and COOL are the free and revolutionary qualities of art. Deleuze stated that what matters is the perpetual reversal, becoming, molecularisation and variation of hot and cool, with the latter warming the hot and the hot cooling the cool. The wild empiricism of affective language, drawn from a constellation of forces as Joseph Beuys used to say, is capable of establishing a new and joyful relationship with the cosmos. The double articulation of hot and cool, drawn from Deleuzian analysis of the work of Fromanger, has a clear heuristic value, applicable in many different contexts.

The intra-expressive resonance of opposites (the disjunctive synthesis) can be applied to all forms of art (in music, for example, the differential relation “sound-silence”) but also in Schizoanalysis, Micropolitics, Metaphysics (cold and cruel, desire and production, coding and over-coding, psychic and collective individuation, the order of the words and the order of things, surface and depths, chaos and cosmos inner and outer surface of an unique being).

The volume will be structured in four interconnected areas: Art, Micropolitics, Schizoanalysis, Metaphysics.

Guest Editors – Marcello Maggi, Catarina Pombo Nabais

image: Ana Mandillo, JOY.

Contributors: please email articles of up to 3,000 words to: and

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